Andrea Winkler
Lazy Tattoos, 2021Antonia Low
Erinnerung an das nie Gesehene, 2021Hannah Hallermann
Frida, 2021Irina Kirsanova,
Nachbarschaft Biosphäre, 2021Katinka Pilscheur
o.T. 2021Raul Walch
Around the World, vector graphic, 2019Ria Baumeister
Nachbarschaft Biosphäre, 2021Ulrich Wüst
Weggun, Fine Art Print, 2017
(Aus: RANDLAGE. Die Gemeinde Nordwestuckermark. 2014 bis 2019)
The limited edition UM21 is still for sale online!
With 200€ per sheet you support 50% the artists and 50% the association in hosting the festival.
They are artworks created especially for UM Festival, we think it can be a special memory or gift.
When purchasing the whole edition you get 20% discount.